The Secret World of Swan House Explore the world of Peril en Pointe and Trouble in a Tutu… Have you got what it takes to be a pupil at Swan House? Take the Entrance Exam to find out! What’s your Swan House Code Name?Use the initials of your first and last names A = GADGETB = TWINKLEC = TRILBYD = SPARKLESE = SHADOWF = TUTUG = SNEAKYH = POSEYI = SNOOPYJ = STRETCHYK = WHISPERL = BENDYM = DARING N = JULIETO = DANGERP = TWIRLYQ = CAPTAINR = WHIRLYS = CYPHERT = SEQUINSU = RADARV = JETÉW = JUDOX = SOLOY = TRACKERZ = ODETTE PDF Download